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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Magic Items: The Golden Skins of the World Serpent part 2: The Chapters

There are 5 chapters.
  1. Foundations of Magic
  2. Spells of Creation
  3. Major Creation
  4. Planar Studies
  5. Creating Artifacts
Each chapter is ten pages long, and when a player completes a chapter they get a special bonus, related to the title.

  1. Foundations of Magic: grants a plus 2 bonus to arcane spellcasting bonuses, and through that to the arcane spell save DC.
  2. Spells of Creation: Halves the cost of magic item creation.
  3. Major Creation: The player can craft any construct with a DC under half their total arcane caster levels, costs determined by DM.
  4. Planar Studies: Plane Shift can be cast once per day without using a spell slot, the caster is immune to negative effects of planar travel. Grants advantage on knowledge checks relating to other planes.
  5. Creating Artifacts: A sacrifice is necessary to truly understand the teachings of this chapter. After which the reader can create Artifact level items for the cost of Legendary ones.
Most of this information will not come up until a lot of scrolls have been found and read. The magic is too much to get information from a base level casting of Identify.

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