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Wednesday, March 27, 2019


My characters have already met 2 dragons, and they haven't been anywhere near a dungeon yet. So I'm setting up a cool dungeon where some of the Golden Skins of the World Serpent can be found.

I have been reading too much of the forgotten realms wiki. As such I now have some place names that already exist on my map to work with. Ss'thar'tiss'ssun was founded by the same race that created the Skins and was famous for its powerful magic before the city was destroyed by the Netherese, many thousands of years after the city's founders vanished.

And a little over a thousand years before the events of our current story.

After making decisions, I found some more information that says that my plan is not possible, but my plan is cooler and involves a legendary fountain. Supposedly, all that should be left of the temple at this point is the basement, but the rest of it is cooler.

It's a three story temple a little ways underground. There were once more floors, but they were destroyed in the Netherese attack 1400 years ago.

I don't know what goes in all of the rooms yet, other than cool magic stuff, but there is a fountain that existed in previous editions that would be in this temple. I have made it a central feature. It is absurdly magical, and still working thousands of years later.

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