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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Magic Items: Bracelet of the Brachial Bow

I've seen the vague idea for this magic item floating around online, but to put it in a game, I need specific stats.

This silver bangle bracelet has the image of a shortbow imprinted in it. This item requires attunement, and should be worn on the non-dominant arm.

When used as an action, this bracelet forms a spectral bow in the hand wearing it. The wearer then draws the bowstring back as if it were a normal shortbow. This bow fires two arrows, which will hit the target(s) of the wielder's choice. Each arrow deals 5d6 piercing and 2d8 necrotic damage.

This function can only be used once every d4 days.

This is because the two arrows are made of the wielder's radius and ulna bones. After firing, the arm with the bracelet on it becomes floppy and uncontrollable, giving disadvantage on any dexterity checks that would necessitate 2 hands, and on charisma checks because of how gross and freaky it looks.
The bones grow back after 1d4 days, at which point the bracelet can be used again.

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