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Thursday, April 4, 2019

Fey Day

The Feywild is a dangerous place for adventurers. Luckily it's another plane, so it generally come up as an issue unless something goes seriously wrong.
Unfortunately, the usual went out the window 100 years ago when the Spellplague began. The veils separating the material plane from the Feywild grew even thinner, and holes were torn. There are more portals to the Feywild, and it is easier to open new ones.
As such, the annual holiday of Fey day has become wildly more dangerous. It is the day when the 2 planes are at their absolute closest, so anywhere that the veil between is particularly weak is liable to become a portal for the day. City dwellers treat it as a sort of Faewild themed Halloween, while in more rural communities do their best to avoid wild areas and leave small offerings to whatever fey creatures may appear.

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