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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Welcome to Waterdeep

The trouble with every story is figuring out how to begin, from there it becomes a simple matter of continuing.

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist begins with all of the characters gathering together in The Yawning Portal Tavern. I was uncomfortable with just dropping the characters in the bar by themselves, and so I announced that all the characters had been staying on a boat for the past few weeks, preparing to leave the city for the wonders of Calimshan. Which served another purpose, the refund of their tickets would provide a bit more money for the extravagant city life in Waterdeep.

And my players were going to get that refund, (and then never write it down) the first big storm of the winter hit before their ship had a chance to leave port. Despite what certain Dwarves would say, the crew decided it was far to dangerous to set out, and the city closed the harbor for the winter.

So, on their second to last night of shipboard accommodations, this group of travelers set out to get a good drink and a nice meal at Waterdeep's greatest adventurer bar and commiserate over their current situation. Homelessish, and far from where they want to be.

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